Monday, 27 February 2017

Kim Bruno Waterford CT – The Best in Student Transportation

Every day, countless parents wake up, help their kids get ready, and send them off to school. Many parents drive their children to school themselves, but even more trust in the iconic yellow school buses of the public school transportation services. The ASBC (American School Bus Council) estimates that there are 480,000 school buses in operation in the United States. These buses travel an average of 5,760,000 miles every year and carry 26 million of the 50 million students that need to get to school each day. It is a huge industry, but it is also a very unique one. Every morning, parents and guardians are trusting that the bus drivers and other professionals are conducting themselves in a professional manner. They want the safest, most reliable transportation and expect the highest quality and standards of excellence from the bus drivers. Because of this, transportation companies take their reputations very seriously. They work hard, year after year, to prove to parents and school officials that they care about student safety above everything else.

For Kim Curtin (Waterford, CT; official channel on Dailymotion) building a strong reputation is part of what has made her transportation company so successful. Curtin Livery Transportation is one of the most well respected and professional transportation companies operating on the East Coast—primarily Connecticut and Rhode Island. They are most well known for their statewide contracts with many of Connecticut’s school districts for their daily bus and van services. In addition, they also provide transportation to and from field trips and other extracurricular activities, charter buses for longer distance journeys, and even special needs transportation for students with different disabilities.

Curtin Livery is particularly proud of the work and step that they have taken to help students with different disabilities. The company believes strongly that no student should miss out on the opportunity for a great education simply because they have a medical condition. What’s more, rather than providing equal opportunities for such students, a transportation company needs to put in double effort to make sure that special needs students have their safety guaranteed.

Kim Curtin (Waterford, CT) delivers special transportation needs because they believe it is a strong part of being a truly full service company. Student transportation is all about safety. That is why every vehicle in the Curtin Livery fleet goes through a state inspection carried out by the Department of Transportation and the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Kim Bruno Waterford CT Reducing Car Pollution

Carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, un-burnt hydrocarbons and particulate matter. These are some of the emissions coming out of your car. In today’s modern age, cars have been redesigned so that they produce only a small quantity of emissions. However, if you have a significant number of cars, the contribution to the air pollution is devastating to the environment, and your health. These risks to your health are extremely serious; making the chances of respiratory diseases and illnesses such as asthma and cancer even greater. Curtin Medical Livery Service and Kim Bruno Waterford CT have been working away at the solutions to ease the effects of pollution the America’s environment and people’s health.
As American cities have grown, and urban sprawl inevitably happened, there was not that much that could be done to prevent an increase in air pollution. When we hear air pollution, we tend to imagine factories spewing out their harmful waste into the environment; however, as America’s population and car usage increases, so does its pollution problem. Driving your private car is probably the most harmful thing you could be doing to the environment in one day. What is more harmful, is that the mixture of sunlight in the polluted environment contributes to ozone levels, the temperature and heat is a dangerous combination.
Reducing automobile use by carpooling is one thing we can all do to help lower the ozone levels. Being this environmentally friendly may sound difficult, especially if we are to commit ourselves to carpooling. Finding other carpool, ensuring that you are all travelling at the same time of day, from and to similar locations, all sound like too much hard work. Kim Bruno Waterford CT and Curtin Livery are working to keep air pollution down to a minimum, and they have thought of one solution which works. They are dedicated to bringing the pollution levels down by running a transport service delivering solutions to your travel needs. They run an environmentally responsible organization, where no matter your needs: getting to work, an appointment or taking the children to school, they are able to take you there through their extensive range of modern vans and busses. Curtin Livery in Connecticut organize carpooling and travel arrangements so that you don’t have to. Visit their website today so see more about how they are reducing car pollution. 

Friday, 13 January 2017

Safely Transporting Patients Is Important to Kim Bruno Waterford CT

About Kim Bruno of Waterford, Connecticut: Kim Bruno’s company, Curtin Livery, has several departments, including Curtin Medical Livery Service. This department provides top-quality transportation of disabled people. Many of these people have serious health issues. All Curtin Medical Livery Service vans are equipped with wheelchair lifts and interior straps for securing the chairs, making a trip to the doctor that much easier for the patient.

Curtin Livery is open all day, every day, 365 days a year. It is the logical choice to transport the disabled around the state of Connecticut and nearby states. There are four Curtin Livery locations around the state. The company was founded in 1918, when World War I finally ended. Thus, it has a long history.  It has transported passengers reliably, efficiently, and safely for almost one hundred years.

Kim Bruno of Waterford, Connecticut, the owner of Curtin Livery, has a video on dailymotion in which she describes public transportation. In addition to Curtin Motor Livery Service’s taking sick, injured, and/or disabled patients to and from the doctor, as well as other trips involving hospitalization and medical treatment, the company takes students to and from school.

For patient transportation, the choice is clear: Curtin Livery Service. It works with hospitals throughout the state, and several hospitals in adjoining states. Patients are often in a weak state of health, and cannot withstand the stress of travel, including sudden stops, fast driving, and traffic jams, among other hazards. Curtin Livery believes in reducing or eliminating these problems. Clients are precious, and the company wants its clients to know that they are safe when traveling in a company vehicle.

Curtin Livery cooperates with several medical organizations around the state of Connecticut and in adjoining states. These include clinics, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, and dialysis and radiation treatment centers, among others. Given its 24/7 availability, it is always on hand, day and night, for emergency transportation and for taking patients to and from treatment centers. The company’s drivers know the roads like the back of their hand, as the saying goes, and find the best way to make the trip as easy as possible on the patient. This includes taking safe detours to avoid roadwork.

Curtin Livery, as is to be expected, takes all major credit cards. With its long experience in transporting patients, it has formed close cooperation with insurance companies and health care providers.